"Guardian Angels" Chapter

“Guardian angels” are all those who, not being able to participate physically during the three days of pilgrimage, want to do so spiritually. Many would want to do the route but are not able to do it for different reasons: illness, age, job, distance…
How to be a pilgrim from the distance?
The Church teaches us that, within the communion of saints, “non of us lives for himself, nor does anyone die for himself” (Rm 14, 7). “In this way, if one member suffers, all the members suffer with him, and if one member is honored, all the others rejoice together. For you are the Body of Christ and (its) partial members” (1 Cor 12, 26-27).
The least of our acts done with charity redounds to the benefit of the other members. Furthermore, united to Christ, “we can merit in favor of ourselves and others useful graces for sanctification, for the growth of grace and charity, and for obtaining eternal life” (CCC 2010).
Thus, thanks to the communion of saints, the prayers and sacrifices made by the “guardian angels”, wherever they may be, and united by charity to Our Lord Jesus Christ, they will merit new graces for the column of pilgrims while, reciprocally, those offered by the walkers will attract the graces of the pilgrimage for the “guardian angels.” This reciprocity makes the “guardian angels” true pilgrims to Covadonga.
To whom is the invitation to the "Guardian Angels" chapter addressed?
It is addressed to all those who cannot be physically present during the three days of the pilgrimage.
The “guardian angels” include religious men and women, sick people, people who due to their age cannot walk the journey… In other words, all those who are held back by their duties or are prevented by their physical condition.
Why do the pilgrimage of the "guardian angels?"
In these times when Catholicism is so directly attacked, it is urgent to increase and intensify prayer and sacrifice. The prayers of the “guardian angels”, together with those of the column of walkers, will ascend to Heaven imploring mercy, interceding for the Church and for our society, converting hearts and souls, and the graces of the pilgrimage will extend on everybody.
How to make the pilgrimage of the "guardian angels"?
The “guardian angels” pilgrims will have simple and clear commitments adapted to their situation: daily recitation of the Holy Rosary (or some other Marian devotion), and time for meditation (for which we propose to follow the meditations of the Pilgrim’s Booklet), to which they may add, depending on the possibilities of each one: Mass, confession, some work of charity or act of reparation, etc.
The “guardian angels” will receive the Pilgrim’s Book by email, and thus they will be able to read the same meditations as the walkers. They will pray for the intentions of the pilgrimage and, reciprocally, they can entrust their intentions to the prayers of the walkers.
Locally, they may on their own initiative meet to pray together, either in a church or at home.
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